Children Go Coding is a set of free STEM classes that introduce underprivileged children to the basics of coding, computer skills, and engineering. Our first Children Go Coding classes started at LVA in the spring of 2016, and in 2017 we are partnering with several government schools. These classes introduce underprivileged children to introductory coding and programming, basic computer skills like Microsoft Office and typing, the scientific method, introductory knowledge of electrical engineering, and more.

Women in STEM Nepal served as our partner organisation in 2015-2016 for the launch of this program, and CYF won KIND Snack' April 2016 KIND Causes contest to fund the campaign.


Our new STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math) program has a few different segments, some of which take place at LVA and some of which do not. The overall mission is to increase the amount of disadvantaged people, especially women and girls, studying and practicing STEM subjects, effectively closing the huge opportunity gap that exists in STEM fields in Nepal. In order to close this gap, we are targeting the gender stereotypes that form from a young age, increasing girls’ confidence in STEM courses, providing underprivileged children with the training and resources to actually pursue STEM studies, and creating a supportive professional network for existing female STEM professionals.

Help Children Go Coding!

By purchasing a part of a computer in our donors' store, you can help more underprivileged kids access computer classes:

from $3.00

Photos by Beikeysh Shrestha for Women in STEM Nepal.